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SpaceX operates a diverse fleet of custom recovery vessels to support its Falcon 9 and Starship programs in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Ocean.


NASA operates the 310ft long Pegasus Barge to transport SLS flight hardware. Two recovery ships were previously operated during the Space Shuttle Program.


ArianeGroup operates a unique wind-assisted cargo vessel and also charterers other vessels to transport spaceflight hardware.

United Launch Alliance

ULA operates a specialized cargo ship to transport Vulcan hardware from the factory in Alabama to launch sites in Florida and California. A second ship is under construction.

Blue Origin

Blue Origin operates a small fleet of ships based out of Port Canaveral to recover the New Glenn rocket at sea in the Atlantic Ocean.

Space Perspective

Space Perspective utilizes a modified platform supply vessel as a launch and recovery platform for high-altitude balloon flights.

The Spaceport Company

The Spaceport Company owns and operates a former Navy training vessel that has been converted into a mobile sea-based launch platform.

Rocket Lab

Rocket Lab sometimes charterers ships to recover the Electron first stage. The company is also developing plans for a droneship for the upcoming Neutron rocket.

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